discover your potential

Located in Subiaco, Western Australia, our vision is to help women discover and acknowledge their potential by creating a safe environment built on friendship, mentorship, and support.
Membership is $75 per year and is open to anyone over 18 who identify as female. If finances are a barrier to joining, we have flexible options available.
We are supported by the WA Men's Shed association, however we are unique placed to help women feel capable and confident in areas that are traditionally male dominated—our beginner woodwork class being a practical example. Our culture however, reflects this more broadly, as a shared coffee or walk can nurture connection and wellbeing without any need for tools.
While our events are mostly member-only, our monthly coffee catchups are open to all women, as well as queries over phone or email. We also value community engagement and may be spotted at local events around Subiaco.

upcoming events
​Sat 25th - Coffee Catch Up
Sun 16th - Earthwise Shed Clear Out
Sat 22nd - Coffee Catch Up
Sun 23rd - AGM
Sat 29th - Coffee Catch Up
March 11-12 - Intro to Woodworking pilot​​​​​​​​​
Yet to be Scheduled
Car maintenance for beginners